Our Resource Center can assist in providing individuals with information on financial assistance opportunities.

Let us put our expertise to work for you! We can help you determine your eligibility for funding based on your unique needs and financial situation. Many of our services can be paid for privately, and some may be covered by insurance or medical assistance funding available through the state. Below are two of your options for financial assistance for people with disabilities.
Note: UDSF does not provide financial assistance, but can advise individuals on where to seek these services.
Special Needs Trusts
We can work with your financial institutions, attorneys, and advisors to maximize the extent and utility of medical care funds, trusts, and settlements. We can also connect you with resources that allow an adult child, or other relative, to be supported by an aging parent’s assets.
Home And Community Based Services
Implemented in 1965, Pennsylvania’s Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) allow Pennsylvanians to live at home, even if they have a severe disability. There are HCBS programs for individuals with disabilities aged 18-59, and other programs for people aged 60 and older.
HCBS are offered through all three Managed Care Organizations (MCOs). UDS participates in all three MCOs, and we can help you enroll. To learn more, visit our Community HealthChoices page or call the UDS Resource Center at (888) 837-4235. You can also learn more about Community HealthChoices through the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services.
Frequently Asked Questions About Financial Assistance
What types of financial assistance in PA do I have access to?
There are many different types of financial assistance available in PA for seniors, veterans, and people with disabilities. These include special needs trusts, Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waivers, and Managed Care Organization (MCO) funding.
What managed care organizations does UDS participate in?
UDS is enrolled in all three of the PA Community HealthChoices (CHC) Managed Care Organizations: AmeriHealth Caritas, PA Health & Wellness, and UPMC Community HealthChoices.
What are my payment options for UDS' services?
While many of our services are paid for privately, some services may be covered by insurance or medical assistance, Medicare or Private Pay.