Community HealthChoices (CHC) is Pennsylvania’s mandatory managed care program for individuals who are dually eligible for both Medical Assistance and Medicare, older adults, and individuals with physical disabilities. CHC serves more people in communities while giving them the opportunity to work, spend more time with their families, and experience an overall better quality of life. CHC is improving services for hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvanians.
UDS participates with all three MCOs: Keystone First (AmeriHealth Southeast), PA Health & Wellness, and UPMC Community HealthChoices. To apply for CHC, visit the PA Department of Human Services website.
The PA Department of Human Services is committed to increasing opportunities for older Pennsylvanians and individuals with physical disabilities to remain in their homes. If you’re 21 or older and have both Medicare and Medicaid (or receive long-term support through Medicaid because you need help with everyday personal tasks), you’ll be covered by Community HealthChoices.
Community HealthChoices PA will coordinate your healthcare coverage to improve the quality of your healthcare experience. This serves more people in communities rather than in facilities, giving them the opportunity to work, spend more time with their families, and experience an overall better quality of life.
You can learn more about Community HealthChoices enrollment by visiting the official Community HealthChoices site, by reading our blog, or by contacting our Resource Center at (888) 837-4235.