The UDS Service Dogs hosted their first annual Golf Tournament on Friday, August 28th at Meadia Heights Golf Club.
Thanks to the support of our sponsors, volunteers and players, the Service Dog Program was able to raise enough funds to pay for a full year of veterinary care for all the puppies that will be welcomed into the program during the Fiscal Year 20/21.
“Several other fundraisers for the Service Dogs Program had to be cancelled this year due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, so it was essential for this event to be successful. We are thrilled to have received so much support for the Golf Tournament, especially with all the challenges we have faced this year,” said Lori Breece, UDS Service Dogs Program Manager.
The UDS Service Dogs program relies substantially on the support of the community to carry out its mission of training dogs to help individuals with mobility disabilities and autism. They have also placed several dogs in local elementary schools to help students who struggle in the classroom.
We would like to give special thanks to the following businesses and individuals who generously sponsored this event:
- Benchmark Construction
- Bob Walter and Linda Scott
- Donegal Insurance Group
- Ed and Kathy Schoenberger
- ELA Group
- Keller Bros. Ford Family of Dealerships
- Land Grant Surveyors
- Rineer Renovations, LLC
- Second Melody
- ACNB Bank
- Bill Kepner
- Barley Snyder
- Coldwell Banker
- Rev. Theodore & Doris Schneider
- Tom and Tracey Seiger, Life Changes Realty
- McDonald At Law
- Method Agency
- Murray
- Pat Gerdes – Thankful for Annie
- Penn Valley Chemical
- Personal Wealth Advisory
- Pet Wants
- Smoker’s Sports Store
- Steven L. Breit, Attorney
- Anonymous Donor – Honoring UDSF Employees