Minimizing the Risk of Senior Falls
A predominant, but easily avoidable issue in the senior community is injuries caused by falling. Injuries from falling can be internal or external. One out of ten seniors experience a fall that causes an injury that restricts activity. In the wake of former President Jimmy Carter’s death, pictures of the former President have been circulating showing extensive external injuries after falling in his home at the age of 95. As a result of this fall, Carter received 14 stitches and a severe black eye. Fortunately, he was able to recover and continue to build houses with Habitat for Humanity following his fall. Although it appeared that Carter did not experience any long-term issues from this fall in 2019, falling can lead to a variety of long-term issues for seniors, such as head traumas or fractures. Hip fractures in particular are commonly caused by falls, with eighty-three percent of hip fracture deaths caused by falls.
Causes of Age-Related Falls
As people age, their risk of falling increases. According to the National Institute of Aging, each year more than one in four people over the age of 65 experience a fall. In fact, about 3 million emergency visits per year are due to a senior falling.
Falls may be a result of a variety of issues. Some falls may be health related, while others may be due to one’s physical surroundings. Aging naturally causes deterioration in the body including but not limited to:
- eyesight
- hearing
- reflexes
- nerves
- balance
- muscle mass
- cognitive abilities
Health conditions may also increase a person’s risk of falling. These may include conditions such as diabetes, incontinence, low blood pressure, vitamin D deficiency, and Parkinson’s Disease.
What Can You Do to Help Prevent Falls?
While falls may be common among the senior population, there are several measures that can be taken to help lessen the chance and severity of falls. This includes adjustments to your home environment, home modifications, and physical improvements to help reduce risk.
Environmental Adjustments
With the heightened risk of falling in people over the age of 65, it begs the question of how to best prevent a scenario like this from occurring. There are many daily practices and lifestyle changes that can be made in order to lessen this risk.
- Keep High Traffic Areas Lit Well – Night lights in high traffic areas of the home like hallways, bathrooms, and bedrooms can help prevent night time falls.
- Secure Loose Rugs or Electrical Cords – This can be a potential environmental hazard as it can cause tripping. Making sure all rugs and electrical cords are either taped down, or not in walkways is an easy way to prevent a fall from tripping.
- Keeping Floors Even and Clean – Uneven floors or wet floors can cause slipping or tripping. Cleaning water up as soon as possible is a good practice when trying to lessen your chances of falling. Making sure floors are level, clear, and clean is an easy preventative practice.
In addition to the adjustments to your home environment, ensuring supportive footwear choices can help with balance around the home, and limiting alcohol intake can help prevent balance and eyesight impairment.
Home Modifications
Home modifications may be more involved than the basic environmental adjustments, but they can also bring significant comfort and risk reduction within the home. UDS assists with a variety of home modifications for various areas of the home, giving seniors the opportunity to maintain an independent lifestyle without the constant worry of falling
- Stairlifts – If you or someone you know is having difficulties with balance and getting up and down stairs, UDS installs and services in home stairlift solutions..
- Modifications for the Bathroom – Hand grips, grab bars, safety rails, non-slip surfaces, walk-in tubs with bath seats, and barrier-free shower doors can all help prevent slipping in the bathroom.
- Modifications for the Bedroom – Bedside controls and direct bathroom access can help prevent falling in the bedroom. This may even include home modifications to convert a downstairs room into an accessible bedroom to make aging in place easier.
UDS can provide a full spectrum of services, from evaluation to modification. We will come and assess your home to help identify any potential issue prior to installation, evaluate your home to determine which solutions will be the best for you and your family and provide or recommend contractors knowledgeable in ADA-compliant practices to ensure that you are taken care of.
Exercises that Lessen Your Chance of Falling
Johns Hopkins Rehabilitation Network physical therapist Lora Stutzman recommends a couple of simple exercises to help improve balance, in turn preventing falls. The first is a sit-to-stand exercise. Place a sturdy chair facing another sturdy surface, a table to counter is perfect, for support. Sit on the edge of the chair with your feet flat on the floor, lean your chest over your toes, and shift your body weight forward into a standing position. Sit back down and repeat. You may use your hands and arms for extra support, but the goal is to be able to do this without the help of your arms.
As a second exercise, stand in front of your steady surface with your feet together and hold for 10 seconds, then move your feet shoulder width apart and hold for another 10 seconds. Repeat this without swaying and work your way up to 30 seconds. Once this has become comfortable and easy, you may try balancing on one foot for the same time. If needed, use the steady surface in front of you for support.
What to do if You Fall
People who fall once are twice as likely to fall again. If you fall, remain calm and breathe. Use a sturdy chair or surface nearby to help yourself into a sitting position. It is recommended that people keep a fully charged cell phone on them in case of emergencies or an accessible landline in every room to call for help. Devices like emergency button bracelets, necklaces, or smart speakers that respond to voice recognition are also helpful if there is not a phone nearby.
How UDS Can Help
UDS offers a wide variety of at-home modifications to help prevent falling, such as ramps, hand rails, and stairlifts. As people age, many want to keep their independence. Making home modifications can significantly lessen the chances of an accident occurring. UDS has the experience and expertise to provide solutions that make your home safe and comfortable. We handle everything from consulting to design to physical construction to make your home more ADA accessible, and serve most of Central and Eastern Pennsylvania.

We also offer a program referred to as our CAPABLE program, which stands for Community Aging in Place, Advancing Better Living for Elders. CAPABLE is a client-directed home-based program designed to increase mobility, functionality, and capacity to allow older adults to age in their home and community. With CAPABLE, seniors have the option to work with an Occupational Therapist, a Registered Nurse, and have a handyperson come make modifications to their home. We pride ourselves on being with you every step of the way, and making ourselves available for any questions and guidance. UDS serves most of eastern and central PA. For more information, please contact us and fill out your information to learn more about our services.