Thank You!!
We appreciate your participation in this years’ UDS Gift Wrap Booth! This page will provide you with information about the booth and a guide to wrapping gifts.
Please watch the following video prior to your shift at the
Gift Wrap Booth To Learn about the UDS way to wrap gifts
Additional Information:
- Shifts are typically 3 – 4 hours and the minimum age to volunteer is 14
- We are only able to accommodate a maximum of 8 volunteers in the booth at any given time
- Booth Hours Are: Mon thru Saturday, Noon – 8:00 pm; Sunday Noon – 4:00 pm
Extended December hours will be announced later by the Park City Mall Office - Cancellations: IMPORTANT – If something comes up and you or your team are unable to make the shift that you have volunteered for, please contact us a minimum of 48-hours prior to your shift so that we can find alternate coverage for your spot
Additional Volunteer Opportunities:
- Booth Set-Up – Sunday November 19, 2023 at 6:00 pm
- Booth Inventory Organization – Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 20-21 from 9:00 am to Noon
- Booth Tear-Down – Wednesday, December 27th at 8:00 am