Caregiver Responsibilities You May Not Have Thought Of
Caregivers assist older adults multiple ways on a daily basis, though they are often not recognized as frequently as they should be for the extensive list of responsibilities they have. In many cases, caregivers assist with managing health conditions, transportation, and bathing. They also act as an advocate for seniors and frequently can provide emotional support. Caregivers have a rare opportunity to not only provide health assistance, but also become a friend and close confidant for your family member. They take the added stress away from family members with the daily help that they provide on an emotional, physical, and environmental level.
When considering a caregiver for your loved one, it’s important to remember the full scope of services that a caregiver may provide. Here are 5 ways that a caregiver may assist seniors that may not immediately come to mind.
Recognizing Health Condition Changes
While caregivers don’t provide direct medical care, an important duty for caregivers is being knowledgeable of health conditions specific to the older adults they may be working with. Although this is not a requirement, it is extremely helpful when trying to detect any new signs of health deterioration. As the person that will be spending the most time with the senior, it is imperative to note any changes in health conditions in order to keep doctors and other family members fully updated on the older adult’s health. Taking classes on specific conditions that might be relevant to the patient is a great way to learn about ways to help with long term care. Though it is not always necessary, it could prove to be very useful. It is likely that caregivers will attend doctors’ appointments with the older adults they look after, as one of their responsibilities is providing transportation when needed. During doctor appointments it is crucial that caregivers take thorough notes in order to provide the family with updates if they are not able to be present for the appointment. This is also important when noting any new signs of health deterioration, so doctors can be informed regarding any changes.
Transportation, Bathing, etc.
Caregivers are often responsible for driving the older adults that they care for to appointments, activities, and grocery shopping. This is crucial in order to help maintain their health and social connections. It helps them continue to live their lives outside of their homes and fosters community engagement. Having a caregiver with them also provides added safety while they are participating in activities that encourage mobility.
As people age, daily activities can become more difficult and can even be hazardous. Caregivers can assist with simple tasks such as bathing, dressing, and grooming. Helping with these simple tasks can prevent possible injuries from falling or slipping. By offering support, caregivers are helping older adults maintain their independence and dignity so they do not feel like they have to rely on just their family. Although these are everyday activities, they can be overlooked by many people because they are recognized as simple tasks. Older adults may experience difficulties with them that they may not want to mention for fear of the feeling dependent on those around them.
Emotional Support
Some caregivers spend every day with the older adults they assist. They can become more than just a caregiver that helps them with daily tasks. Since they are spending the majority of their time with each other, caregivers can become a confidant and act as a form of companionship for the seniors they care for. Loneliness is a common issue in older adults. Having a caregiver can help prevent loneliness.
Caregivers aren’t just support for seniors, but they also help support the families of the seniors. They act as a trusted source of advice for families, regarding their loved one’s health, as they are the person that is with them consistently. They can help families make accommodations for their family member and help support their decisions.
Managing the Household
The responsibilities of a caregiver can range from outside of caring for seniors. In some cases, they may be in charge of making sure household chores are being completed. Older adults may not be physically able to do some of the things involved in managing a house. Caregivers are often responsible for grocery shopping and meal prep for older adults, as many prefer not to drive or stand for the long periods of time cooking involves.
Maintaining a clean space can be time consuming and be an added stress on aging adults. Caregivers take on this stress by offering to do daily chores like vacuuming, cleaning the bathrooms, and keeping the kitchen space clean. Some caregivers will even manage lawn care upkeep.
Environmental and safety issues can become a concern for older adults’ physical well being. Part of the caregiver’s job is to make sure high- traffic areas are always lit, loose rugs and electrical cords are secured, and floors are continuously cleaned. Ensuring that all of these are taken care of can help prevent falls.
As the person responsible for taking older adults to their appointments, caregivers have the important role of being an advocate for the older adult in their life. This role is especially important to help encourage senior independence and ensure that their voice is being heard by their family and medical professionals. Caregivers must be able to communicate effectively with doctors, nurses, and family members to make sure the senior’s needs are met. This also helps them feel like they are being respected and protect their dignity.
How UDS Can Help
The role of a caregiver does not simply end with managing the care of their clients. They act as the person’s solace, friend, and advocate and quite often their work goes unrecognized. They show care and compassion, many going above and beyond their job descriptions. UDS offers job opportunities for people looking to make a difference in a person’s life by taking on the role of a caregiver. UDS also offers Independent Living Services, a home care agency that helps older adults maintain their independence. We pride ourselves in being with you every step of the way, and making ourselves available for any questions and guidance. UDS serves most of eastern and central PA. For more information, please contact us and fill out your information to learn more about our services.